Manchester-Essex Rotary Club announces its second annual “Run for the Roses” raffle which features three grand prizes, 1st place is $7500, 2nd place is $1500 and 3rd place is $1000. Only 300 tickets have been printed which makes the odds one to one hundred to win one of the three cash prizes. Tickets are $100 each. Contact a M-E Rotarian to purchase a ticket. (Mike Storella at, 781-710-2475 or Chris Shea at, 508-843-4979). The drawing will be held May 1, the day of the Kentucky Derby.
The pandemic forced us to cancel our major fundraising events, the Kentucky Derby Auction and the Red, White and Blue Pancake Breakfast. These two events help us raise approximately $30,000,of which $10,000 goes directly into our scholarship fund. The other $20,000 is distributed to local organizations such as Open Door, Beverly Boot Straps, Action, Wellspring House, civic enhancements such as the Essex Memorial Park and various other charitable needs. We ask your help to make this raffle a successful fundraiser in a time of greater need due to the pandemic. Take a chance and do some good in the community.
We continue to invite guests to our weekly meetings, now via Zoom. Contact President Sean Zahn ( for the link to our meetings and see if Rotary is for you. We are a group of local residents and business people who are dedicated to giving back to our community and supporting international relief. Our motto is “Service above Self.” We look forward to meeting you.