
Board of Selectmen’s Meeting of July 25, 2022

Report covers from July 9, 2022 to July 22, 2022

Field of Dreams Irrigation Well

The Superintendent of Public Works recently informed the TA that the irrigation system at the Field of Dreams at the Centennial Grove did not appear to be working.  Our irrigation contractor visited the site and determined that the well itself is not producing water (well is dry, well screen is silted up, or well pump needs to be replaced).  Our irrigation contractor contacted our well contractor and we are on a list for further investigation but the lead time is several weeks.

Award of Design/Permitting Grant: Apple St. Roadbed Elevation/Culvert

The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program has announced the award of just over $222,000 to the Town for final design work and all necessary permitting associated with the proposal to elevate a short section of Apple Street on the Southern Avenue end and to replace a culvert there.  Work will occur during fiscal year 2023 and a portion of fiscal year 2024.  Hopefully, the Town will be able to secure both State and Federal grants for the actual construction work.

Town Administrator Leave

The TA was out of the office, on leave from July 13 through July 15, 2022.

This report is available at on the morning after any regularly scheduled Essex Board of Selectmen’s Meeting.

town administrator's report, board of selectmen