ESSEX LOCALS | What Was Happening on December 15th in Years Past


115 Years Ago – 1906

The small boys enjoyed the ice that made it difficult for older persons to walk with their sleds and double runners.  Some sleighs were also out but other snows are needed to make the traveling very good.  The weather prognosticators have been pretty correct in their predictions of severe weather thus far.

90 Years Ago – 1931

An alarm on fire from box five shortly before 6 p.m. Thursday evening of last week brought firemen to fight quite a hot blaze in a small building owned by Caleb M. Cogswell and occupied by Geo Young as a camp.  Mr. Young being away the fire got a considerable start and was discovered only when the flames broke through the roof and although the fireman were quickly on the spot, they could not save the building but were able to prevent its spreading to the adjoining property.  The building was a total loss.

geo young, caleb m. cogswell, prognosticators