Elder Brethren Picnic: It’s Here!


The 145th Elder Brethren Picnic will be held at the Chowder House on Saturday September 10, and all brethren of or associated with Manchester-By-The-Sea who have reached their 49th year on this Earth are welcomed and encouraged to attend.

Please register by visiting the Manchester Elder Brethren Facebook page and using the link provided there.

The group will be enjoying its clam and fish chowder tradition, followed by fresh deli sandwiches, and pie.  Drinks will be provided.  Tickets are still just $20 and check-in starts at 11 a.m. on September 10.  The festivities will end by 2 p.m.

For those who have never attended this event, organizers say make this your year!  Those who do will find a welcoming group and enjoy the beauty of Tuck’s Point on a late summer morning; and you will be part of this great 145-year-old Manchester tradition.

We know The Cricket will have Assistant Editor Paul Clark there snapping photos.

Those interested, or those with questions, or those who want to go ahead and pre-register, contact Joe Willwerth (508-878-5988), Todd Crane (978-998-1533), or Mike Chapman (978-526-1570). 

elder brethren, picnic, chowder house, tuck's point, clam chowder, sandwiches, pie