Board of Selectmen’s Meeting of August 7, 2023


Report covers from July 22, 2023, to August 4, 2023 

New Emergency Notification System Available

Through Regional Dispatch Essex’s ability to provide the public with emergency alerts by e-mail, phone, or text has been supported via a system maintained and paid for by the North Shore Regional 911 Center.  That system was previously known as SwiftReach and the Center has now migrated to a new system, known as RAVE.  Personnel from the Center provided users in the various communities with training on the new system on July 26, 2023, and Chief Francis, Sergeant Bruce, and the TA were all in attendance.  We have now revised our website link to the system allowing residents to sign up for alerts.  We have migrated all previous enrollees from the old system (no new enrollment is necessary for previously enrolled residents) and we have retained the ability to send message to a “whitelist” of publicly available phone numbers.  Chief Francis and Mr. Zubricki had a more in-depth training session with Center personnel on August 1, 2023, to set protocols specific to Essex.  The 911 Center is presently working to configure a variety of settings on the new platform and full functionality will gradually be phased in.

Town Administrator Leave

Mr. Zubricki was out of the office, on leave, for a portion of the day on July 31, 2023, and all day on August 3, 2023.