Attend Town Meeting


To the Editor,

The open expression of opposing viewpoints should be encouraged and welcomed as an opportunity to expand our understanding of the issues.  The vilification of the Manchester Matters group that is questioning the proposed bylaw changes, indicates an unwillingness to consider how others view the ramifications of these proposed bylaw changes. 

It was quite obvious that the postcard from Manchester Matters was not sent by the town.  Furthermore it is unlikely that the group would have used the seal if it had known it was illegal.  I saw the postcard as encouraging voters to attend the town meeting.  The one-page letter they sent to voters urged them to visit the town website to learn more about the proposed bylaws before casting their vote.  They also listed some of the negative consequences of the proposed bylaw changes.  Their concerns seem reasonable.  They have a right to question these bylaws. 

The Manchester Cricket’s willingness to print the articles under consideration is appreciated.  However true understanding of these articles is needed before responsible citizens can be expected to vote yes on these changes.  Unfortunately, many of these articles are difficult to comprehend and need additional clarification.  We are being asked to accept the recommendations of a small number of people on both the Planning Board and the Select Board without being presented with the many potential negative outcomes of these changes.  In view of how the Select Board chose to reject the will of the voters concerning the local emergency call center, it is natural that citizens now question the Board’s ability to make decisions on their behalf.  

Attend the November 14 meeting, ask questions and express your concerns.

Respectfully submitted,

Juliet Giannino Chamberlain


local government in massachusetts, town meeting, manchester, planning board