To the Editor,
The hardest part was walking in the door while not knowing anyone there. We are new retirees, with time to spare, and the goal of making friends and reaching into the Manchester community. So, my husband and I sought out this coffee gathering that we had read about.
Anyone over 60 is welcome and we made the cut, luckily! We were instantly surprised by the greeting we received and the fun it was chatting, listening and laughing with a very welcoming group. We want to go back now, every Monday.
The Friends of the Council on Aging arrange coffee, snacks and conversation every Monday morning, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. This “Coffee and Conversation” gathering is held, free of charge, at the Congregational Chapel, One Chapel Lane (behind Santander Bank).
There is a need, we can all agree. The Friends of the Council on Aging are working hard to recognize the need in the community and doing a great job making these gatherings work.
And it is fun!
Sheila Roy