1st Parish Faith Formation Summer Opportunities


July 17-21, 8:30-10:00 a.m., daily, Breakfast Buddies “Heroic Women of Faith” Join Jeanne Westcott, Dir. of Youth and Childrens’ Ministries at our Chapel location for a specially designed program just for toddlers and their adult.  Sign on for every morning or just one.  Come enjoy a themed breakfast, meet a heroic, female figure from the Bible, engage in age-appropriate activities and go home with a charming reminder of a great morning!  Pre-registration required. Free.

July 23 – 29, Third Annual Art Show, “Simplicity, Serenity and Sanctuary” Get creative and express yourself!  Leave your submission for our Third Annual Art Show in the appropriate bin marked in five age categories, beginning July 15. Submissions can be of any medium or any size! The show will be available for viewing in the First Parish Chapel Hall each afternoon from July 23-29.  Prizes awarded in each category.  Artists, ages 3-199, are encouraged to submit their work!  Join this community of art lovers.  Contact Jeanne Westcott at Jeanne.fpchurch@gmail.com for more information!

August 14 – 18, 4-7pm, daily, Bible Experiences Week, “Safe and Secure: Dressed in the Armor!”  Dinner will be served to participants ages 4-12 during an immersive, action packed week of song, acting, creative writing, art, games, movement, mindfulness exercises and cooperative challenges designed to fully know what it means to be dressed in the Armor of God.  Youth ages 14-16 may apply to serve as junior leaders and adult volunteers are welcome.  No money needed. Preregistration required.

jeanne westcott, first parish chapel hall, jeanne.fpchurch@gmail.com