What Was Happening September 16, 2022



90 Years Ago – 1932

School opened Wednesday with a slightly smaller number of pupils than last year.  There were, of course, the usual group of tiniest of tiny Freshman.  The total enrollment for the whole school is 121.  There are 32 Freshman, 34 Sophomores, 27 Juniors and 28 Seniors.

75 Years Ago – 1947

Wanderlust is a malady common to most of us and anyone with the slightest trace of it in his system should pay a visit soon to the Public Library, where a group of objects from foreign lands, from a large and varied collection of Miss Clara Winthrop of this town, is currently on display.

Wednesday evening was a red-letter night at the Wigwam of Conomo Tribe of Red Men, when the Chiefs for the coming Great Sun were raised to their stumps, Deputy Great Sachem French and suite of Lynn trailing to Manchester and officially taking charge of the raising.

60 Years Ago – 1962

William F. Haverty of Rosedale Avenue was elected Commander of the Amaral-Bailey Post #113, American Legion, at the regular meeting of the Post, held last Thursday night at the Legion home.

A record 58 percent of the Manchester voters turned out Tuesday to vote in the primaries and in most cases the vote went about as the eventual outcome in the overall state or area (depending upon the office).

45 Years Ago – 1977

Two students from Manchester Jr. Sr. High School, Wendy Byker and Karen Donelan, have been named Semi-Finalists in the 1978 Nation Merit Scholarship Program.  These students are among 1,500 who will continue in the competition for about 3,900 Merit Scholarships to be awarded next spring.

Saturday, September 24, at 2 p.m. the Golden Age Club of Manchester will meet in Sacred Heart Parish Hall.  This will be a game day with Peg Combs in charge and each member and guest is asked to bring a gift to be used as a prize.

30 Years Ago – 1992

Manchester-by-the-Sea resident Paul Silverman was included in the Wall Street Journal’s “Legends in Advertising” series, according to James X. Mullen, President and founder of Mullen.  Silverman, Mullen’s chief creative officer and creative director, has been with the agency since 1975.  He is only the third New England advertising executive to be included in the “Legends” series.

Manchester-by-the-Sea Police Chief Ramos will join forces with 44 other chiefs throughout the Commonwealth on Saturday and Sunday, September 26-27 to run from the Massachusetts/New York border to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to raise funds for Dana-Farber’s Jimmy Fund.

15 Years Ago – 2007

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has announced that West Nile Virus has been detected in mosquitoes collected in Manchester-by-the-Sea.  Manchester had no WNV positive mosquito samples identified in 2006.

The Manchester Mother’s Club will hold its annual fall plant sale on Saturday, September 22, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in front of Town Hall in Manchester.  Proceeds from the sale will fund the annual Manchester Mother’s Club Scholarship Award.