A liquor cargo of some 300 to 400 cases was found stranded on the flats opposite Glass Head by local police.
A three-act comedy, “Nothing but the Truth”, was presented at Town Hall under the auspices of the Athletic Association of Story High School.
Over eighty members and guests were out Wednesday evening to attend the regular meeting of the Manchester Historical Society which took the form of a musical, being in charge of Mr. Clifton Burke and Miss Bernice Baker.
Following fifty-seven years of successful existence, the Cricket launches out, with its issue of today, on its fifty-eighth year and to again reiterate, never in a more critical period in our nation’s history.
The 1960 tax rate was set at $60 per $1,00 valuation. It was up $2 over 1959.
Manchester joined the fast growing list of communities with dial telephones on Saturday evening at about 11:53 when the shims were pulled and in a matter of a couple of minutes the entire system was changed over to this more modern method of telephoning.
The annual town meeting approved the construction of a town garage at the cost of $125,000.
Manchester Jr. Sr. High School lost an unusually dedicated and dynamic teacher with the passing of Herbert Hahn.
Members of the School Committee, the PTO and superintendent Paul Lengieza met this week with the press and detailed the cuts that they will recommend at Town Meeting this year in order to comply with budget reductions ordered by the Selectman and Finance Committee.
Alexander T. MacDonald died at the age of 91, Mr. MacDonald was a member and former Chairman of the Manchester Park Commission.
Manchester Essex High School seniors Lauren Forsythe and Benjamin Gurley placed third in the nation, senior Alexander Pirrotta placed top 10 in the nation, and seniors Rebecca Lumsden and Tricia Lanigan placed top 20 in the nation at the DECA International Career Development Conference in Anaheim, California.
Tim Averill, Manchester Essex’s long time debate coach, was recently elected to the National Forensic League Hall of Fame for his lifelong commitment to education through the promotion of interscholastic debate.