July 23, 2021
90 Years Ago – 1931
Manchester had a fire scare Tuesday morning when shortly before five o’clock an alarm was rung in from Box 41 for a lively blaze in the new Nelson block on Union Street. The fire was discovered by one of the drivers on a Hood’s milk truck, who notified Officer Thomas Sheehan, who was on duty in the square, who immediately rang in the box and then went to the Central fire station, informing them where the fire was.
75 Years Ago – 1946
The horseshoe tourney is underway with Arthur Manos leading the way with wins over Tommy Stasiak and Bob Olson. Bob gave Art quite a scare as it took three games to decide the winner. There was an average of three ringers per game thrown by the boys.
The American National Red Cross Swimming Classes began the 1946 season on Monday, July 8. Seventy students have signed up for lessons.
60 Years Ago – 1961
The Board of Selectman, at an emergency meeting, voted to cancel all outstanding guest permits to Singing Beach. The action was taken after numerous complaints were received from residents that they were having difficulty obtaining a parking space at the beach.
A similarity of names caused considerable embarrassment to Albert w. Moore of University Lane, when he was mistakenly named in a Stock Sale fraud by the office of the U.S. Attorney. The U.S. Attorney’s Office sent out a release clearing Mr. Moore.
45 Years Ago – 1976
The “Regina Maris”, a 140-foot barkentine, and one of the Tall Ships, visited here briefly before embarking for Newfoundland.
Mr. R.G. Ervin and Mrs. S.L.B. Gardner, co-chairmen of the Library Annual Used Book Sale, reported record receipts of $832.
30 years Ago – 1991
Hundreds of family and friends paid their final respects to local businessman Lawrence J. “Larry” Pszenny.
The highlight of the fourth week of Manchester Summer Playground was the trip to Water Country. The weather was a perfect for the 91 youngsters who spent the day enjoying the many water slides.
15 Years Ago – 2006
The summer concert series is underway and residents and visitors gathering around the bandstand to listen to the music but the bandstand is in terrible shape, not accessible to disabled musicians, not safe and becoming an eyesore. We need you help to preserve this special part of Masconomo Park. Please consider supporting this restoration project by donating to the Masconomo Park Fund.
The Manchester Summer Playground program will be visiting Masconomo Park on Thursday, August 3rd for a Water Safety Day. Children will be treated to water safety presentations and demonstrations.