Manchester residents prepared for the tercentenary (300th) year celebration of the land area’s original inclusion as part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony granted by Charles I in 1629. Dinner at Tuck’s Point, a viewing of popular historical film Three Centuries of Massachusetts, and the illumination of the freshly painted Congregational Church spire were part of the planned events.
16 members of the senior choir of Sacred Heart Church had Rev. Joseph Deacon as their guest at a dinner in his honor at the Hawthorne Hotel in Salem.
Manchester fisherman, Warren and Harry Heath, reported seeing what appeared to be a sea serpent near Egg Rock. It had a black and white head, they said, with two bulging eyes and looked to be 14 – 16 feet long.
Complaints on the crowded condition existing at Singing Beach, because of apparent parking violations in that section of town, was present to the Board of Selectmen.
28 year old Phil Hoysradt arrived home after his successful sea voyage around the world, three years and 32,000 miles later on his boat The Pelegrin Took.
Manchester High School student Gael Donelan, received the honor of Outstanding Girl Speaker at the U.N. from among 180 other students from seven states, during the one-week United States Pilgrimage program in N.Y.
Residents recycled 11.3 tons of newspaper for Manchester’s third recycling day.
Past Cricket writer, author and local historian, Ben Merrill was the guest speaker at the Manchester Elder Brethren’s 112 annual gathering.
The Board of Selectman is seeking volunteers interested in serving on the Community Preservation Committee, Finance Committee, Seaside One Committee and Tuck’s Point Committee.
While this year’s Manchester Summerstage production features a comic clutch of New York City gamblers, the cast and crew of Guys & Dolls is leaving nothing to mere chance as they prepare for their up coming production.