90 Years Ago – 1931
A lively town meeting was held this week, in which 10 articles were voted on by a large gathering of citizen’s. Principle among the articles was that petitioned by Hermon Swett, et al, asking for an appropriation of $6,000 for the purpose of clearing underbrush and general moth work.
George E. Wilmonton was reelected president of the Manchester Elder Brethren at their annual outing at Tuck’s Point. About 100 members gathered to celebrate this day at the famed outing spot.
75 Years Ago – 1946
Manchester’s sailing enthusiasts are scheduled to have their day at a sailing get together appropriately named “A Novice Navigators Nightmare.”
The management of the Central Theatre announced the winners of their Monday special Carnival nights as follows: Marjorie Hunt, first prize of figurine bookends, Florence Bradbury, second prize of beach shoes and Judy Matthews, third prize of a doll.
60 Years Ago – 1961
Members of Explorer Post 3, of Manchester are in attendance this weekend at the Meadowood Fire School in Troy, N.H. Boys attending are Bob Blake, Paul Beauvais, Bob Kelleher, Dan Slade, Tom Babb, Ed Horne, Jim Anderson, Charles Logue, Wayne Featherstone, Norman Ramos, Peter Cool, David Wardrup and Don Curran.
45 Years Ago – 1976
The Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners announced that all restrictions on the use of Town water are no longer in effect.
The Board of Park Commissioners met to review with Town Engineer, Joseph Halloran, the proposal to repair the statue at Masconomo Park. The old scaling concrete will be chipped out and a new step three feet in the ground will be paved. The entire statue will then be acid washed and pointed.
30 Years Ago – 1991
The School Committee voted to delay a vote until the end of August on the controversial “School Choice Law” which would allow school children from neighboring towns to attend the Manchester schools on a tuition-based concept. An emotional plea was heard from Gloucester officials concerned that this law would take many students and dollars away from their schools.
A sudden storm caught many residents by surprise, felling trees, including a large maple on Pine Street, and washing boats ashore at Magnolia Beach.
15 Years Ago – 2006
Manchester Essex Regional School District’s Superintendent Robert Shaps is pleased to announce that Mr. James Lee, the new Manchester Essex Regional Middle/High School Principal has begun work in the high school and is busy preparing for opening day on September 5.
The Department of Public Works is pleased to announce that construction of the drainage improvements on Old Essex Road between The Plains and Blue Heron Lane will begin during the week of August 21. We anticipate traffic delays due to the construction but one lane of travel should be available at all times.