What Was Happening February 19 in Years Past


90 Years Ago – 1931

$314,555.78 was appropriated without argument at the Annual Town Meeting.

Story High’s basketball team continued on its winning way by defeating Ipswich 40-13.

75 Years Ago – 1946

Manchester’s annual town meeting was livened up with humor and a few debates.  The meeting voted in two new tractors and a sidewalk plow for the Highway Department.

Miss Susie H. Haskell observed her 92nd birthday last Saturday.

60 Years Ago – 1961

A Story of a High basketball team that refused to quit, even after three early season losses, climaxed an uphill fight this week when they defeated the Rockport basketball team 68-60, and thereby annexed their first Cape Ann League basketball title since 1942.

Seven members of Explorer Post 168, of Berkeley Heights, NJ were guests of Manchester Explorer Post 3, over the weekend.

45 Years Ago – 1976

Thomas G. Cagney, of Smith’s Point died suddenly at the age of 66.  Mr. Cagney was a former Chairman of the Manchester Board of Selectman, former member of the Park Commission and the Board of Registrar of Voters and was presently a member of the Cemetery Commission.

Manchester High School’s novice debate team took first place at the Melrose High School Debate Tournament.

30 Years Ago – 1991

Under an agreement reached last week the beautiful Alden-designed schooner When and If will be restored and back in the water in 1993.  The ship, commissioned to be built by the late Gen. George S. Patton in 1939, was severely damaged when it broke anchor and ended on the rocks in Manchester harbor during a heavy storm on November 10.

Manchester High’s Science Team captured a second place trophy in the North Shore League Competition.  Dave Ryan serves as advisor.

15 Years Ago – 2006

Acting on the recommendation of a special study committee it appointed earlier, Manchester’s Board of Selectman at its regular meeting on Thursday night voted unanimously to appoint a Harbor Advisory Committee of seven members.

The Manchester Golden Age Club will hold a “Chowda” Fest on March 11th at the Plains Hall.  Both clam and fish chowders will be offered. You can also enjoy a choice of salad, rolls, coffee and dessert.