To the Editor,
Residents that step forward and run for our elected boards are owed a sincere thank you from all of us. For without these dedicated individuals, our Town would not succeed. One such dedicated resident is Karen Bennett who is running for a seat on our Select Board. I whole-heartedly endorse Karen to be a new voice on this Board.
Karen will bring professionalism, problem-solving skills, and strong communication skills to the board and to solving the issues that face our town. With years of business experience, her fiscal responsibility and her knowledge of our town, she will work tirelessly to ensure that there is transparency when dealing with board business, a much-needed characteristic going forward. Karen will listen to all residents of MBTS and work to represent what we want for our town.
Manchester by the Sea faces many issues right now – elevated levels of PFAS (forever chemicals) in our drinking water supplies; aging water and sewer pipes; aging wastewater treatment plant; need for a climate resiliency plan; Senior Center; MBTA Multi-family housing initiative from the State that says we must allow upwards of 585 housing units by-right; the need to find ways to diversify our housing stock without compromising our historical town character and open space; and many more issues. How do we do all of this and more, and not compromise our small-town character? How do we do this and not continually look to taxpayers for increased tax rates? How do we get all of this done and done well?
Karen Bennett has the skills, energy, demeanor and the best interest of the town and its residents at heart to help guide Manchester by the Sea through this myriad of challenges and opportunities. This is about our present, and our future – please vote Karen Bennett for Select Board.
Mary Foley