To the Editor,
The Halloween Committee would like to say “Thanks” to the many people who worked to assemble and pass out the goodie bags to almost 90 young hobgoblins at the American Legion parking lot prior to trick-or-treating.
Thanks to the Manchester Park and Recreation Department for handling the sign-ups. A huge thanks to Liz Swanson of four Beach Gifts & Goodies for the donation of all the penny candy to help fill the bags. Thanks to Bob Cavender, Josh Butler and Philip Cicala of the Manchester Fire Department for assembling the bags. Thanks to Commander Allan Kirker and the Amaral Bailey Post # 113 for the use of their parking lot for the distribution of the bags. The team that distributed the bags included Chief Fitzgerald, Ruth Fitzgerald, Lt. Mark McCoy, Fay Noonan, Muffin Driscoll, Marjorie Gove and Officer Harvey. We hope all the youngsters had a Happy Halloween and a great start to their trick-or-treating with large goodie bags that were passed out.
Manchester Halloween Committee