To the Editor,
On behalf of the Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce, I would like to extend my sin-cerest gratitude to Manchester-by-the-Sea for allowing us to host Festival by the Sea this year.
Thank you, to the Manchester-by-the-Sea Selctboard, Police Department, Fire Department, and Department of Public Works. Your collaboration planning the event and support throughout the day ensured a fun, safe, and successful community event for all. A huge thank you to Manchester- by-the-Sea for welcoming the countless visitors who came to town to enjoy the festival and all the town has to offer.
Thank you to Manchester Essex Rotary Club for your incredible assistance with Festival by the Sea and everything you do for the community.
We deeply appreciate the downtown business community for supporting the event and for keeping downtown Manchester-by-the Sea vibrant throughout the year. In turn, thank you to all the attendees who supported our local businesses on Saturday and for supporting our business community throughout the year.
Tremendous thanks to all our sponsors, including co-presenting sponsors M&T Bank and Harbor Point Condos, Gold Bandstand Sponsor Kelly Auto, Gold Sponsor Applied Materi-als; Supporting and Transportation Sponsor Beauport Ambulance; Supporting Sponsors Cape Ann Savings Bank, Mike Storella and Sullco. Your generosity and the generosity of so many event supporters made Festival by the Sea 2024 possible.
The Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce is fortunate to be part of such a special community and we look forward to a future full of fun community events like Festival by the Sea!
With gratitude,
Steve Buckley, CEO
Greater Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce