State Primary Election


September 6, 2022


Early Voting Dates & Times:


August 27



August 29



August 30



August 31



September 1



September 2

By Appointment Only

Voting in Person at the Polls after submitting an early ballot is prohibited as outlined in

950 CMR 4 7.19.

Location:  Town Hall, 10 Central Street, MBTS


Know these 5 things BEFORE going to the polls:

1. Are you a registered voter?

The deadline to register to be eligible to vote in the State Primary election is Saturday, August 27 at 5 p.m.  The Town Clerk's Office will be open on this date from 11 a.m – 5 p.m. for in person voter registration or register to vote online at   This is also the last day to make changes to your party affiliation.  REMEMBER, the Primary is a Partisan Election and you must vote on the ballot for the party in which you are registered.  If you are registered as Unenrolled, you may choose which party ballot you want to vote on.

 2. Is your voter status "active"?

Voters must return their signed street list census form annually to the Town Clerk’s office to maintain an active voter status.  Inactive voters are still eligible to vote but will be required to complete additional forms and show an ID at the polls to vote.  To avoid having to complete additional paperwork at the polls, voters who appear as inactive can change their status to active by stopping by the Town Clerks Office to sign a census form in person up until Saturday, August 27 @ 5 p.m.  Changes to the voting lists cannot be made after the deadline of August 27.

3.  Can I vote Early in person or by Mail?

Yes!  You can vote early either in person or by mail.  See the Early Voting schedule on the other side of this card for dates, hours and location!  You can also vote by mail by applying to the Office of the Town Clerk no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, August 29.  Applications can be found on the Town’s website or the Secretary of States website. 

4. Where do I vote on ELECTION DAY?

The Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea has 1 polling location.  All voters vote at: Memorial Elementary School Gymnasium, 43 Lincoln Street

5. What will I be voting on?

Voters are encouraged to educate themselves on the many races and questions that will appear on their ballot PRIOR to arriving at the polls.  By visiting the website:  

You will have the option to view your ballot and check your registration status.  Educated voters will reduce the amount of time necessary in the voting booths and reduce lines and crowding on Election Day.  Sample ballots will also be available to view at the Office of the Town Clerk, 10 Central Street, MBTS as well as on the Town Clerk’s page of the Town’s website

town clerk's office, town clerk,, primary election, memorial elementary school,