There’s a lot set to happen with the Council on Aging (COA) in the coming weeks. Check them out here, and for further information on any of these great trips or to reserve your seat on the van, please call 978-526-7500.
Lobster Roll Lunch
The Manchester Council on Aging is offering a Lobster Roll Lunch on Valentine’s Day, February 14. Catered by Jeff’s Variety of Gloucester enjoy a delicious lobster roll, potato chips and cookie. You can pick your lunch up at the Council on Aging office or we will deliver it to you.
The cost of this luncheon is $12 per person and open to the first 40 who sign up. You can drop your payment off or mail a check to the Council on Aging, 10 Central Street, Manchester, MA 01944. Please call the Council on Aging Office at (978) 526-7500 for more information or to register.