Senior Care Honors Longevity Bench Project


During the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Senior Care Inc., held Thursday night, September 22 at the Beauport Hotel, Gloucester, Manchester’s Longevity Bench Project’s founder, Lisa Bonneville, was honored with the Board of Directors Community Service Award.  “The overwhelming reception the Longevity Bench Project has received in Manchester was unimaginable when we began four years ago. declared Lisa in her prepared words.  “Thank you so very much for this wonderful recognition.  It is a high honor for all those who have made these benches possible.”

Longevity Benches exist to encourage people of all ages and abilities to use these special town “furnishings” to expand their living spaces and increase their enjoyment and connection to their neighbors and the beauty of nature.

Celebrating with Lisa were a number of Bench Project board members, sponsors, donors, friends and family.  Senior Care Director, George Nickless, from Manchester, personally shared his congratulations as a supporter of her nomination for this award.


senior care inc., bench, longevity, population, manchester