Laura Bibler will be the featured speaker at the Seaside Garden Club’s next meeting. Bibler will take on the topic of garden practices of the past, and encourage attendees to find inspiration for their own gardens from horticultural wisdom handed down from our grandmothers' time.
Open to the public, the presentation brings to life the design approach and sage advice of prominent garden writers of the early 20th Century. Their pearls of wisdom continue to inform us on color blending, cultural considerations and plant placement. Truly, our grandmothers knew what they were doing!
The program will take place at the Manchester Community Center, doors open at 7 p.m., program starts promptly at 7:30 p.m.
Bibler is a Harvard graduate of Landscape Design. Her horticultural experience includes chairperson of Civic Development and Preservation of Historic Land and Garden Grants, Historic Preservation Committee for Garden Club Federation of MA; Chairperson for the French Garden Rehabilitation and Perennial Garden Restoration at Stevens-Coolidge Place; member of the Chairman’s Council for the Crane Estate Landscape Committee.
This program is sponsored, in part, by a grant from the Manchester Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.” The program is free and the public is encouraged to attend.
Also, the Seaside Garden Club’s annual plant auction will return on May 10, at the Manchester Community Center. There will be a selection of perennials, annuals, garden tools and art, and some surprises. This fundraiser supports the programs offered by the club throughout the year. We welcome new members of all types of gardeners from beginners to experienced… there is always something to learn and share. For more information visit or contact club president Elaine Persons, or (978) 526-0145.