Rocky Neck Art Colony's Unique "BIGtiny" Fundraiser Goes Virtual This Weekend


A unique and popular fundraiser for TheRocky Neck Art Colony is back on Sunday, April 10, featuring nearly 200 original artworks in miniature for sale online through Wednesday.

It's called "BIGtiny," and all the original works are on a scale of 7-inches square and they have been created by more than 100 artists.  Sales benefit Rocky Neck Art Colony.

Artists’ names are not revealed – each work is signed on the back, so participants just purchase what they like and learn who made it after the purchase.

The virtual sale can be accessed at at 9 a.m. on Sunday, April 10.  First-comers get the best shot at the work they want.  Artwork is priced per day, with Sunday's price being $150 for any piece; Monday, April 11's price is $100 per piece; and Tuesday and Wednesday (April 12-13) are $50 per piece.

Each original artwork is matted.  Donors may purchase frames for $8 each (and those who purchase three or more pieces receive free free frames).

There will be a pick-up party from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 14 at The Cultural Center at Rocky Neck (6 Wonson Street, Gloucester), where all artists and buyers can share a drink and a bite to eat while celebrating the organization.

Proceeds from BIGtiny go to support the many exhibitions and programs put on by the Rocky Neck Art Colony through the year. 

rocky neck,, gloucester,,, bigtiny, rocky neck art colony