Public Hearing in MBTS


The Planning Board invites the public to a Public Hearing on February 27 at 7 p.m..  The hearing will explain proposed Zoning Bylaw changes for consideration at the Annual Town Meeting in April.  The public will be invited to comment on the changes and the Board will finalize them after hearing the input. 

The proposed changes are part of a four-year-long effort to update and clarify the Bylaw and to address some of the actions identified in the Master Plan.   The proposed Zoning changes are to 1) update and clarify the administrative section, 2) add a new section regulating Adult Entertainment, 3) add a new section to allow Senior Housing by special permit, and 4) modify the existing Accessory Dwelling Unit regulations by removing the requirement for double lot and the requirement that the house exist prior to 1984 and reduce the parking requirements.

Information about these changes can be found on the Town website.   The hearing can be attended in person or via Zoom.

planning board, senior housing, annual town, accessory dwelling unit