


            Please take notice that a Pre-Town Meeting will take place at 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 1, 2023, to discuss the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting scheduled for April 3.  This will be a virtual meeting.  Join the Zoom meeting:

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 885 5548 9545

Passcode:  985569

Dial by Phone: 1 312 626 6799

            This notice with the link above will be posted on the moderator’s page on the Town website.

            The purpose of the Pre-Town Meeting is to consider procedural questions and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Town Meeting.  We will not discuss the substance of articles.  I encourage Town officials and sponsors of articles to attend, and all residents are welcome.  The meeting will begin promptly at 9 a.m., so I ask that everyone join a few minutes early.


            Those who are unable to attend the Pre-Town Meeting and have questions about procedural issues are welcome to call me at 978-526-4229, or to send me an e-mail message addressed to


                                                                        Alan Wilson

                                                                        Town Moderator

annual town, pre-town,