Pet’s Blessing Day


On Saturday, June 25, come and bring your special animal friend for a Summer Blessing from Rev. Mark Boyea, at the First Parish Congregational Sanctuary from 1-2 p.m.  Donate one or more items to PALS Animal Life Savers, enjoy a treat, play a game, and enjoy the picturesque Town Green.  This is a one-hour special event, so don’t be late.

PALS is in need of the following items: ExquisiCat Paper Pellet Cat Litter, cat and kitten Food, cat Ttoys, Swiffer Wet Jet Refill Pads, used linens, towels, fleece blankets, Swiffer Sweeper Dry Cloths Unscented, non-latex gloves/ medium and large, unscented dishwashing liquid and hand soap.

blessing, first parish congregational sanctuary, pals