On The Waterline

Reed Park Update, Boat Registration Deadlines, and More ...


Greetings boaters.  We’re already heading into the holidays, and there’s a lot going on to report from the Harbormaster’s office iright now.  Let’s get to it.

Deputy Harbormaster | Andy Vanikiotis, Manchester’s new Deputy Harbormaster, is halfway through his academy training and is really showing his leadership skills.  The program wraps up in mid-February.  We can’t wait for him to get back lead us.

2025 Renewals |  Your 2025 mooring, slip, kayak and waitlist renewal forms should be in your inbox next week! If you have not sent your current registration or documentation your form will be incorrect. More work for everyone.  Please make sure yours is up-to-date

A Note on Unregistered Vessels |  Dire times are coming!  Unregistered vessels and expired registrations seemed to be on the rise this past summer.  A number of tickets were issued by the police department, and the goal is to have zero next season.
If your vessel is untitled, unregistered or undocumented do not put it on your mooring next season.  Only legally registered vessels are allowed on Massachusetts waters.  Any violation will mean the loss of your mooring.  Zero tolerance next season.
You are responsible for your vessel the same as your car so check that registration and make sure it is current. There will be an early effort by the Police and Harbor departments to enforce this law. This applies to slip boaters and dinghies with motors as well as well.
Make sure you have submitted your updated information to the Harbor Department.

Quick Reed Park Update | Construction is underway on the new floats for the Reed Park expansion. If the weather co-operates 25 percent of the floats will be done next week. With luck pilings will go in next fall and the floats will be ready for placement.  Construction has to happen now, especially since the summer is too busy!

Kayaks & Dinghies |  A reminder that all kayaks and dinghies should have been off the racks and docks by December 1.  Any kayaks or dinghies left will be removed at the owner’s expense.  If you do not have your stickers, please reach out and we will get them to you.
Per town regulation anyone with a kayak or paddle board on the town racks must take a safe boating course. You can take an in person or online class. your choice. No vessels will be allowed on the rack next season without proof of safe boating certification. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Marine Mammals  | A beached whale, dolphin or porpoise should be reported immediately and left alone pending further instruction. Call the NOAA 24-hour Marine Animal Hotline: (866) 755- 6622.  Please leave your name and a phone number where you can be reached.
Sea turtles in our region do not typically come ashore unless they are seriously debilitated.  Call the 24-hour Marine Animal Hotline: (866) 755-6622. Seals belong on the beach. It’s normal.  What should you do if you spot a seal on the beach?  Keep people and dogs 150 feet away from the seal.  Does the seal look injured or unhealthy?  If so, please call (866) 755-6622 or call the Harbormaster. 
All marine mammals are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act.  This law makes it illegal to touch, disturb, feed or otherwise harass marine mammals without authorization.

Manchester Draw Hours 0f Operation | In Manchester Harbor, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Bridge at mile 1.0 in Manchester shall operate as follows: 

  • The draw shall open from Memorial Day thru September 30 from 7 a.m.-11 p.m.
  • From Memorial Day and from October 1 to November 1 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2 – 6 p.m.
  • At all other times, the draw shall open on signal with at least four hours of notice.  Call (617) 222-6114.

Towing Policy |  Manchester Harbormaster only tows those vessels that are in immediate danger or present a potential environmental hazard.  Please contact a towing or salvage operator should you need to be towed.

Towing Insurance |  What happens when you breakdown or run out of gas or some other unforeseen event that ruins a perfectly nice boating day?  If you are lucky enough to be in an area where the community allows towing by the harbormaster help is nearby and probably free.  Many communities including Manchester do not allow towing unless there is risk to life or property involved, otherwise you will pay large sums for towing service.
It would be wise to consider the purchase of towing insurance from your insurance company, Seatow or Tow Boat US.  For a reasonable rate you will potentially avoid thousands in towing fees.

Harbormaster Hours |  From December thru February, Harbormaster office hours are Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.  Hours will vary depending on training, Safe Boating classes and meetings.  Feel free to call before coming to the office.  Be vigilant and notify the harbormaster of any missing or off station aids to navigation.  The latest Manchester Harbor Rules and Regulations are posted on the Harbormaster website.

boating, water transport, massachusetts environmental police, manchester, towing, harbourmaster, sea scouts, memorial day, boater parking the town clerk, national oceanic and atmospheric administration, manchester police department, manchester harbor boat club