Local students enrolled in college are now returning from their academic year, but now is the time that colleges and universities across the country announce last semester’s successes from local students. We’re happy to see that so many are doing well and have achieved academic honors:
Gianna Huet of Manchester was named to the Spring 2023 Dean's List at York College of Pennsylvania. Established in 1787, York College of Pennsylvania is a private, four-year college located in the city of York, a hub of arts and industry between Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Springfield College has named Elizabeth Athanas from Manchester to the dean's list for academic excellence for the 2023 spring semester, which means she held a minimum semester grade average of 3.5. Athanas has a primary major of Sport Management.
Eva Parker, a Lasell University student from Manchester, participated in the institution's annual “RUNWAY” shows last month. Parker was a designer who presented original work at the RUNWAY undergraduate show. The annual fashion shows featured work from 89 student designers and more than 150 models and production staff members. The April 28 program showcased work across 11 categories, including sweater knits, corsetry, athleisure, and non-textiles. On Saturday, senior designers presented full collections.
Anna Coyne, a native of Manchester, was recently initiated into the St. Lawrence University Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society. The Society welcomed 1,869 new initiates from 78 universities during April 2023. Students initiated into the Society must be sophomores, juniors, seniors, or graduate/professional students in the top 35% of their class, demonstrate leadership experience in at least one of the five pillars, and embrace the ODK ideals. Fewer than five percent of students on a campus are invited to join each year.
James Madison University announced that three students from Manchester have made the school’s Dean's List for the spring 2023 semester. Congratulations to Madeline Carvalho, majoring in Health Sciences; Gelsey McCue, who is majoring in Political Science; and Mairin Tully, who is majoring in Writing Rhetoric and Technical Communication. Founded in 1908, James Madison University is a public university located in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute announced that Max Elwell, a member of the class of 2024 majoring in Chemical Engineering, was named to the university's Dean's List for academic excellence for the spring 2023 semester. WPI Dean's List is calculated by the amount of work completed at the A level in courses and projects.
North Shore Community College announced its Dean's List Honors to students this past Spring who have earned six or more semester hours of academic credit with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.30 or higher. In Essex, Julia Bundy, Kristy Camp, Zachary Macdonald, Michael Quill, and Maggie Richards all made Dean’s List. In Manchester, Andrew Alibali, Lillian Calandra, Amy Coleman, Kayleigh Nicastro, Sophia Porter, Mark Shan, Benjamin Smith, and Scott Sutherland all achieved Dean’s List.
Finally, Eve Feuerbach of Manchester received a Bachelor of Arts degree Magna Cum Laude from College of the Holy Cross on May 25 at the college’s commencement ceremony at the DCU Center in Worchester. The College of the Holy Cross is a leading liberal arts institution, and an exclusively undergraduate college of 3,100 students schooled in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition.