North Shore Horticultural Society Looks To 25,000 Years Of History


NSHS will host a virtual meeting on Thursday, October 28 at 7:30pm.  The feature of the evening will be a presentation entitled, “A History of Plants and People”.

The science of agriculture is approximately 25,000 years old.  The development of agriculture has influenced civilization, impacted the environment, and dictated food supplies.  

Our speaker, Gretel Anspach, will discuss significant agricultural changes in the last century and look at the future of this science based on the choices we are making today.

The meeting is open to all and will be available using the Zoom platform.  Zoom sign-on instructions are described below.  (You must have the Zoom application on your computer or smartphone in order to attend this meeting.)  Please contact NSHS at 978-232-0102 should you have any questions.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Manchester Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

gretel anspach, mass cultural council, manchester cultural council, horticultural society, rhs garden harlow carr