MHA and MAHT Engage a Development Consultant


In August, the Manchester Housing Authority (MHA) and the Manchester Affordable Housing Trust (MAHT) hired a housing development advisory consultant to evaluate the existing MHA properties and assess opportunities and alternatives for renovation and perhaps expansion.  The consultant will focus on the MHA’s Newport Park, The Plains and Loading Place properties, in addition to the town’s current DPW site on Pleasant St.  The consultant team of Peregrine Urban Initiative and DHK Architects will provide financial and concept development services as part of the evaluation.  


The MHA and MAHT seek to explore alternative options to renovate and expand the MHA state-subsidized properties and determine the appropriateness of a community affordable housing development on the Pleasant Street property.  The goal is to preserve and modernize the existing units with minimal cost to local taxpayers while perhaps increasing the tax base with carefully designed additional units.  Without adequate state funding, the MHA properties have deferred capital needs that must be addressed as well as basic design issues that do not meet current codes or standards.  For example, half of the 80 MHA units restricted to seniors and handicapped households are in second story walk-ups, which presents challenges for seniors seeking to age in place.   


MHA and MAHT have committed to involving residents currently living in the buildings as well as the general public throughout the process of identifying and outlining needs and reviewing plans.  We will soon send out a brief survey to MHA property and town residents that we ask to be filled out and returned so that the MHA, MAHT and consultants have preliminary guidance moving forward.  Once we can come to an agreement on a reasonable plan, the MHA and MAHA will move forward to select a qualified development team to pursue the plan.  MHA and MAHT will continue our outreach to MHA property and town residents as the evaluation and planning work moves forward.  We welcome your attendance in our meetings over the next several months.   

John Feuerbach is chair person of Manchester Affordable Housing Trust, for MAHT and Manchester Housing Authority  

manchester affordable housing trust, manchester housing authority, john feuerbach, consultant, affordable housing, housing, development