MBTS Town Meeting May Go Two Nights


To the Editor,

I write to advise Manchester’s voters that given the number and significance of articles in the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting on November 14, it is likely that we’ll need at least two nights to complete our work.  If we do need a second evening, the Select Board has voted to recommend that we reconvene at 6:30 p.m. on November 15.  Should it become apparent on Monday that a second session is necessary, I don’t intend keep us beyond a reasonable hour.  Subject to the voters’ wishes, I’ll try to adjourn by about 10:30, provided that we’ve accomplished enough at that point to finish on Tuesday evening.

The subjects in this Warrant are important to the Town’s future and in some cases are emotional and even contentious.  I remind everyone of Manchester’s tradition of civil and respectful discourse at town meeting.  It is a tradition that I will uphold as long as I am moderator. 

Sincerely yours,

Alan Wilson

Town Moderator

special town, select board, manchester