The Planning Board at its meeting on October 11 voted to limit its original proposal to have the Town Meeting consider four warrant articles to only two articles. The decision was made jointly with Town Moderator Alan Wilson in order to reduce the time for discussion that might be required. The Board is advancing two warrant articles that should hopefully be considered with minimum discussion. The first article calls for the simple renumbering of the existing sections of the existing zoning by-law. The renumbering will result in a clearer organization of the regulations, but does not include any changes to the substance or intent of the zoning by-law.
The second article is to delete certain sections of the by-law that have become outdated, have no meaning, or are unenforceable as the result of recent court decisions.
For a complete description and rationale behind these warrants, please visit the Planning Board page of the Town of Manchester official website,
Ron Mastrogiacomo, Chairman