MBTS Master Plan Committee Members: Vote Olney and Philbrick


To the Editor,

We, former members of the Manchester Master Plan Committee, are writing to endorse Chris Olney and Susan Hanson-Philbrick for election to the Manchester Planning Board.  We thank the current Planning Board for their tireless work and for supporting the community-generated Master Plan as a guide in their decision-making.  We want them to continue their hard work to implement many of the Plan’s recommendations.

Though implementation is complex, the Planning Board has both moved forward with important work and pulled back to consider public input.  The Board has made progress with the Zoning-By-Law recodification, changes to the Limited Commercial District Zoning, and an ongoing effort to improve transparency and clarify process.

The Community Vision and Guiding Principles of the Master Plan were created through a multi-year process of citizen-led public input through over 100 meetings including those with community stakeholders, Town Boards, staff, and committees, as well as multiple public forums, workshops, open houses, and surveys.  The plan also incorporated the recommendations of nearly a dozen other planning documents, all with their own public review process.  The result is the foundation for informing the future growth of our community as directed by our citizens.

Planning is a complex web of related issues that requires diligent and thoughtful work; work that requires everyone involved to work together toward a reasonable and balanced solution.  As a professional Planner, Chris brings forward his expertise in understanding how to balance growth while ensuring we protect the Community Character.  Sue’s background as a Federal Prosecutor reflects an understanding of how to balance property rights with those of the community as well as the requirements and limitations of public process.

We believe Planning Boards function best with members who are professionals and experts in planning and related fields, who are experienced in public process, and who understand the community.  It is in this spirit that we support the continued work of our qualified incumbent Planning Board and endorse Chris Olney and Susan Hanson-Philbrick.

Manchester Master Plan Committee

Susan Beckmann, Lisa Bonneville, Jay Bothwick, Sarah Hammond Creighton, Gary Gilbert, Axel Magnuson, Gary L Russell, Laura Winn

manchester master plan committee, manchester planning board, susan hanson-philbrick, chris olney, axel magnuson, sarah hammond creighton, laura winn, susan beckmann, jay bothwick, gary l russell, professional planner, limited commercial district zoning, gary gilbert