MBTS Fire Department To The Rescue


On Monday, May 17 the Manchester Fire Department responded to a report of a seagull trapped and hanging from a tree at Singing Beach.  Car 1 and Ladder 2 responded.  Upon arriving, the aerial ladder was raised, and firefighter and paramedic Robert Cavender made the climb to see that a seagull was in distress, it had been caught in a kite string that was wrapped around its wing, and was hanging from the tree.

Firefighter/Paramedics Mike Soucy and Nate Campbell filled out the Ladder 2 crew and assisted in the rescue.  The bird’s wing was freed from the kite string and a release was attempted.  However, the bird was unable  to fly and it was recaptured by Manchester Animal Control Officer Hayes Demuelle and was transported to the Rowley Animal Hospital for evaluation.

“Today was a good example of how well our team works together even in unique situations like this.  The preservation of every life in Manchester-by-the-Sea is important, even our pets and wildlife,” says Manchester Fire Chief, Jason M. Cleary.