Board of Health Update:
Residents are urged to remain vigilant against the fight of COVID-19. Please wear a face covering in public ALWAYS. Gatherings are limited to 10 indoors and 25 outdoors. Violations are subject to a fine.
Small Business Saturday:
Please support our local businesses by holiday shopping on Saturday, November 28 in Manchester-by-the-Sea.
40B Public Forum:
The Board of Selectmen will host the next 40B Project meeting on Thursday, December 3 at 6:30 p.m.. The focus of this meeting will be to speak with the public and hold a Q&A. Visit the town website to find the most current information, meeting dates and meeting recordings on the 40B Project.
Assessors Update:
The tax rate for FY2021 has been approved by the Department of Revenue. The new rate is down .71 cents from last year. Last year the rate per thousand dollars of assessed value was $11.70 and this year it is $10.99.
Leaf Collection:
DPW will be collecting bagged leaves curbside on Monday, November 30 and Tuesday, December 1. Please tarp leaves in the event of rain.
Street Sign Auction: Own a piece of Manchester History. The online auction to own retired street signs can be found at now through December 13. Proceeds will benefit future trees and plantings in MBTS.
Friendship Tree Lighting:
The annual tree lighting event has been cancelled for 2020. The Friendship Tree and Seaside One will be lit for all to enjoy on December 1.
Town Common Holiday Illumination:
The Manchester 375th Committee and First Parish Church will be lighting up Town Hall and the First Parish Church with a holiday light show set to music. Residents can view this light show every night from December 1 – January 1 at 6:05 p.m. Please wear a mask, socially distance and enjoy.
MBTS Beaches:
Dogs are now allowed on Singing Beach through April 14. Beach visitors are limited to two dogs per person.
Town Hall Payment Drop Box:
Installed at the rear of Town Hall by the Police Station Blue Door and monitored by a security camera. Please use this convenient box to drop payments off for any Town Bills. Please, no cash.
Trash, recycling, and compost collection:
Regular schedule