May Manchester Club Meeting


The Manchester Club held its May meeting on Thursday, May 18 at the Legion Hall.  Todd Crane served up a delicious dinner of a fresh garden salad, beef tenderloin with potatoes and squash and Klondike Bars for dessert.  At the conclusion of dinner, club president Bruce MacDonald called the meeting to order and held the Pledge of Allegiance.  Shortly after, the motion was made to skip the secretary and treasurer reports which was immediately seconded and passed by the membership.  Then, it was on to the main event of the evening – the Robert Hatcher Memorial Scholarship raffle.  Fifty prizes were raffled off – a large thank you to the local businesses and people who donated prizes for one of the club’s main fundraisers every year for this scholarship fund.  The next Manchester Club meeting will be held on Thursday, June 15 at the Legion.  Roast pork is on the menu and the guest speaker will be area scout for the Calgary Flames NHL Hockey Team, Trevor Hanson. 

trevor hanson, manchester club, calgary flames, manchester f.c., james hanson, president, legion hall, secretary and treasurer, club meeting, bruce macdonald, todd crane