Martin Flood for Planning Board


To the Editor,

Hello Manchester voters. 

With elections coming up one race that should certainly be on your mind, is the race for planning board.  We are at a point where you really need to reflect on why you live here. Whether you just moved here five minutes ago or your family has been here five generations you know Manchester is a special place.  When you are lucky enough to live in a town like this, you are not just a resident living within its boundaries, you also have the responsibility to be its curator.  Since Manchester's incorporation, generations have taken on the responsibility to protect small town life here for future inhabitants.  Now it’s our turn to make sure that there is something left for those that come behind us.

Manchester is heading into the most dangerous intersection since its birth.  With 40A MBTA zoning, 40B, plus annual growth, it is more important than ever that Manchester has a well-rounded planning board.  Outside influences could put life as we know it here in jeopardy.  We have all seen some communities around us already turning into cookie cutter off the shelf places, losing their identity, one blending into the next.

I believe Martin Flood has the ability to help keep our planning board well rounded.  His plain straight forward approach to problems, his want to question outside influences on our growth, and his desire grow responsibly while developing real affordable and sustainable living opportunities, makes in my eyes an excellent candidate. 

Please join me in voting Martin Flood for planning board. 

Jeff Delaney


flood, manchester, elements of fiction, strategic flood risk assessment, planning board, jeff delaney, curator, manchester voters