Manchester Library Notes


Updated Curbside Pickup Days and Hours

The library has updated its curbside pickup days and hours. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays the pick-up hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  On Thursdays hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Stock Up on Library Materials

Between the cold winter storms and staying home and safe, the Manchester Library would like to encourage everyone that you are welcome to stock up on plenty of library items to help get you through these difficult times when anything can change on any day. We do not have overdue fines, and we are happy to give you renewals on eligible items so you can keep them out even longer. If we don’t have what you are looking for, out inter-library delivery service can send us items from across the state.  Additionally, library staff are happy to help with readers advisory and can recommend you books, movies, music and more.

Online Diversity Matters Book Group

Tuesday, January 5 at 6:30 p.m. join us on Zoom.  The Diversity Matters group will discuss James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time. Copies are available at the circulation desk and by curbside pickup.

Online Hearthside Book Group

Tuesday, January 5 at 4 p.m. join us on Zoom to discuss The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich.

Adult Tai Chi Classes

Join Susan Halpern for weekly online classes starting December 10 at 10:30 a.m.  She will lead a free weekly series of one-hour Tai Chi class for ages 18 and older.  Please wear loose clothing, sneakers or any other low heeled, non-slip shoes and practice in a space of 6-8 square feet. Please keep a chair for resting as needed nearby. The class will focus on the Sun style which employs a more upright stance with small arm movements and short steps.  Forms demand attention and stimulate good balance, attention and stress reduction.  Anyone can benefit from Tai Chi. Studies have found that regular Tai Chi practice reduces the incidence of falls. Susan Halpern has been trained and certified to teach by the Tai Chi for Health Institute and has been teaching at North Shore Medical Center outpatient clinic for 12 years. 

 Teen Writers’ Workshop with Oli

Join Oli the first Friday of every month via Zoom until further notice, Starting November 6. To register email the Manchester Library.

Teen Advisory Board Meeting

 6:30 p.m.  the third Wednesday of every month. Open to all teens, grades 9-12. Call the library for details.

Bullet Journaling 101

Join Tatum Galuski in the four-part seminar. Bullet journaling is a powerfully personal way to plan, organize and reflect upon your life. Contact the library for details.

Library Browsing Hours

The Manchester Library’s browsing hours have been suspended due to rising Covid numbers in the community.  Browsing hours will continue when the numbers return to a lower level to keep library staff and our patrons safe. Please contact the library if you have any questions.

louise erdrich, susan halpern, james baldwin, manchester library, north shore medical center, oli join oli, manchester, library browsing hours the manchester library, online diversity matters book group, advisory board