Manchester Halloween Is Back!


After two years of handing out Trick-or-Treat bags outside the Legion Hall, the Town Halloween Party returns on Monday, October 31, 2022 at the Manchester Memorial School.  Please enter the school at the gymnasium entrance (closest to Summer Street).  Look for the signs directing you to the entrance. The party will begin at 5 p.m. and wrap-up by 6:30 p.m.  It is a drop-in event and enjoy yourself and then head out to go trick-or-treating.  All hobgoblins are invited for a slice of pizza and a drink.  Prior to leaving, please pick-up a good bag and pick-up a glow-in-the-dark necklace for safety while trick-or-treating.

The party is sponsored by the Manchester Halloween Committee with support from Manchester Fire and Police Departments and the Park and Recreation Department.  If you would like to support the party and make a donation, please send a check to Manchester Halloween Committee, P.O. Box 1422, in Manchester.

town halloween party, halloween, halloween costume, manchester memorial school