To the Editor,
As two members of the Board of Trustees of the Manchester Essex Education Fund (MEEF) and as long-time teachers at the high school, we were delighted with the comprehensive and thorough job Erika Brown did in writing “A Local Legacy of Addressing College Affordability” in the December 10 issue of The Cricket.
Especially important was the recognition that the MEEF serves as an umbrella for many different named and special interest scholarships. This is a powerful, fundamental part of the fund because it gives anyone—big or small—a non-profit engine to start a legacy scholarship that can be responsibly and locally administered. This is no small thing. Indeed, the thought of starting a scholarship in the name of someone or to expand the impact of a community organization is intimidating, and often these great ideas just don’t get off the ground.
We are proud that over the past 48 years, a number of donors have chosen to commemorate a loved one, honor a special interest area or add new options for Manchester Essex students pursuing higher education.
We appreciate this opportunity to reach out to Cricket readers to let everyone know that the MEEF is willing and able to provide a tax-sheltered, 501C3 opportunity to create a scholarship in honor of someone dear to you or to a cause that is important to you and your family. The fund has been, for many years, capably and inexpensively administered by the Cape Ann Savings Bank in the trust division. Creating a self-perpetuating and permanently endowed scholarship is easier than one might think; we would be delighted to talk with interested individuals about the specific details. Donors or creators of a scholarship retain control over its purpose and criteria and, if desired, the selection of recipients.
Thank you for considering joining us in this very important effort, especially in light of the significant increase in the cost of a college education. Your loved ones are remembered every spring at graduation when the general public is reminded of the contributions they have made to the larger community. We would be happy to follow up with you individually at your convenience to answer your questions and look at next steps. We can be reached at or
Tim Averill & Linda Crosby