The Manchester Club held its June meeting last Thursday at the Legion Hall. Ken Davis and his kitchen crew served up a delicious Roast Pork dinner with green beans and mashed potatoes followed by a dessert of strawberry shortcake with fresh strawberries. At the conclusion of dinner, Club President Eric Aldrich led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting to order. Club Secretary Craige McCoy gave the secretary notes and Treasurer Bill Scott appraised the membership on the club’s financial state. Lastly, Club Vice President Bruce MacDonald Jr. announced this year’s scholarship recipients. At the conclusion of business, President Aldrich welcomed the month’s guest speaker State Senator Bruce Tarr who gave the club an update on what he is working on at the state house as Senate Minority Leader. This will be last meeting of the Manchester Club until September as it enters summer vacation. Members are reminded of the Lysiak Golf Tournament that is set for Monday, October 3 at Beverly Golf & Tennis Club and are asked to keep an eye on their emails over the summer for additional updates.