The Manchester Club held its April meeting last Thursday at the Legion Hall. Stan Koch, Johnny Herrick, and their kitchen crew served up a mouth-watering meal of a garden salad, grilled beef kabobs over rice, Virgilio’s rolls and DQ bars for dessert. At the conclusion of dinner, Club President, Bruce MacDonald Jr. called the meeting to order. After inviting longtime Manchester Club member and past president, Bruce Heisey to lead those in attendance to the Pledge of Allegiance, it was on to the business part of the meeting. Club Secretary, Craige McCoy recapped last month’s meeting and Assistant Club Treasurer, Jeff Gilson, standing in for Treasurer David Slade, gave an update of club finances. The evening’s guest speaker was Town Administrator, Greg Federspiel who provided an update on various issues and concerns facing the town including housing, prices of homes in town, land available, a new state law regarding police and no more part time police officers due to training requirements and that departments throughout the state have to have full time police officers now, trying to up-grade the Manchester Fire Dept and efforts to revive the Call Firefighter program, Tucks Point rotunda repairs, harbor dredging, and grants from the state to repair the Central St dam. Federspiel covered a lot of ground in a short amount of time and then received many questions and feedback from those in attendance. An excellent time was had by all! The next Manchester Club meeting will be held on Thursday, May 18. The Club’s annual James Hatcher Memorial Scholarship Raffle will be drawn and Beef Tenderloin is on the menu. Members can expect to receive an email invitation around the first of May. Thank you – stay safe! The E-Board.