The Manchester Club met last Thursday at the Legion Hall for its March meeting. Todd Crane and his kitchen crew served up a delicious dinner of Chicken Parmesan with ziti and grilled vegetables.
After a dessert of Klondike bars, Club President Eric Aldrich called the meeting to order with the traditional Pledge of Allegiance to start. At the conclusion of “The Pledge”, a moment of silence was held in memory of the recent passing of longtime club members Joe Halloran, Starr Lloyd and Walter “Bucky” Burgess and the business part of the meeting commenced with Club Secretary Craige McCoy’s monthly update and Club Treasurer Bill Scott’s financial report.
After these reports, President Aldrich introduced the month’s guest speaker, local schoolteacher, musician and town resident Bob Kelley who spoke about his longtime “side-gig” as a guitar player and singer that has spanned from the 1970’s until now. Mr. Kelley was also kind enough to play and sing several tunes to the delight of the members and guests who were in attendance. The next meeting of the Manchester Club will be held on Thursday, April 21. Members are asked to watch for an email invitation around the first week of April.
Lastly, club members and their foursomes are reminded of the upcoming Richard J. Lysiak Memorial Golf Tournament that will be held on Monday, May 23 at the Beverly Golf & Tennis Club with additional details to follow.