Manchester Town Hall will be closed on Monday, October 12 in observance of Columbus Day. Trash, recycling, and compost collection will be delayed by one day.
FY2021 Proposed Assessments are available on the Town website or in the Assessors office. Residents have until October 19 to review.
Begins at Town Hall on Saturday, October 17. Please see the Town website for complete dates and times. The last day to register to vote is Saturday, October 24.
Send in your request to the Town Clerk’s Office if you did not do so prior to the primary election. We recommend applying by October 20th because all applications must be received by October 28.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at the Manchester Essex Regional High School from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. Proper COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place.
Grant funding is available to cover COVID related expenses. Second round now open with a deadline of October 23. See the Town website for details. For businesses with five or fewer employees and whose owners earn 80% or less of the area’s family median income.
Tax bills were mailed on October 1. If you did not receive your bill, please contact the Tax Office at 978-526-2030 for assistance. Payment is due on November 2.
Reservations for residents open on Thursday, October 15 at 5 p.m. in Town Hall Room #5. Pricing and rules will be the same as 2020.
MBTS Beaches will remain open to RESIDENTS ONLY through October 15. Staffing hours will vary by Parks and Recreation and/or Manchester Police Department. Walk-on passes and beach stickers must be visible for admittance. Singing Beach will welcome dogs on October 15.
Installed at the rear of Town Hall by the Police Station Blue Door and monitored by a security camera. P lease use this convenient box to drop payments off for any Town Bills. Please, no cash.