The Syrian Refugee Mission of New England partnered with NuDay Syria of Wyndham, New Hampshire is asking for donations which will be sent to Poland for the Ukrainian refugees.
The group is reaching out for donations of needed items, including clothing, blankets, personal hygiene kits, medical supplies, Tylenol, art supplies and scissors.
Donations will be collected through June at St John’s Church, 705 Hale Street, Beverly Farms.
The Syrian Refugee Mission of New England is a 7-year-old 501 non-profit organization that was founded by a group at St. John’s Church. The Mission has been to support the women and children in the refugee camps in the northwestern part of Syria. The SRMNE has built several schools and Women’s Centers in Syria along with sending many containers of clothing, medical, art and school supplies with support from donors throughout the North Shore, including Manchester, Magnolia, Essex and Ipswich.
The organization asks that those sending a financial donation for the Ukrainian efforts, please make the check out to “SRMNE,” and send it to St, John’s Church. Any questions? Email Gail Campbell (, Terry Jennings (, or Pam Morss (