To the Editor,
Help me understand how a senior is not given a seat with his peers at his MERHS graduation. Help me understand how a senior who is injured in a high school game and unable to participate in the year end celebrations is not given a seat with his peers at graduation. He is on crutches. Arrangements were made to have him join the procession at the 50-yard line of Hyland field and walk to his seat. The bag pipes begin. My son is seated with the teachers, next to the cameraman. No one is helping him. The procession of 122 students, seated in 122 chairs. No chair for my son. He has been forgotten. Unable to finish his varsity sports season, then no prom, no baccalaureate ... now this. Help me understand how school committee members, the superintendent, the dean of students and the head of the guidance department, along with multiple teachers, are all in attendance and did not see that a senior in a cap and gown was not given a seat with his peers at his graduation. Help me understand so that I can stop the flood of sadness I feel at witnessing my son excluded and seated alone on his graduation day.
Kathy Quill, Essex