To the Editor,
I write to thank Manchester’s voters for reelecting me to a 28th term as moderator. It is an honor to serve the Town in this capacity, and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue. With 1,540 residents going to the polls, turnout was a record 35 percent!
My congratulations and thanks go to each of the other candidates – both those who won office and those who did not. Manchester can only benefit when different individuals and different ideas compete for the voters’ support. I look forward to working with the candidates who were elected and hope those who were not will continue their involvement in other ways. We are fortunate to have dedicated employees who do critical work every day, but Town government could not function without the efforts of many volunteers.
I also offer my respect and gratitude to Eli Boling who has retired after nine years on the Select Board, four as chair. During my time as moderator, never have the Town and the Board faced challenges comparable to those during his tenure: first the pandemic and then the public and often contentious negotiation with SLV. Through it all, Eli remained wise, respectful and unflappable. I congratulate him on his service.
Last but not least, let me remind residents that the Select Board has called a Special Town Meeting for June 11 at 1 p.m. at Memorial School, primarily to consider amendments to the Town’s Zoning By-law. The Planning Board has been working for more than two years on these proposals; they merit careful consideration by the voters. We will use the Main Entrance and lobby for check-in, so that process should move more quickly than at the April meeting.
Alan Wilson