Letter To The Editor: Defending Manchester’s Mask Mandate Decision


To the Editor,

As a resident of this town I am actually embarrassed by the letters in the several recent Cricket editions expressing criticism of the Board of Selectmen and Board of Health with regard to the mask mandate.  It is one thing to express reasonable criticism but another to ridicule the boards with unjustifiable, incorrect and polemic arguments.  It is shameful! It is also surprising to me as a physician that a simple thing like wearing a mask is viewed as so restrictive and burdensome.  During my work it never seemed that – the protective purpose for both myself and the patient took priority.

In addition, it is selfish to not acknowledge that the decision to have the mask mandate is purely based on protecting the still vulnerable parts of the population.  Other towns around us may think differently, but that does not make their decision right or ours wrong.  As activities are moving inside, time will tell.  Hopefully being proactive pays off, and prevents problems for the not yet protected until they can be vaccinated.

Whoever wants to continue this type of impulsive and mindless criticism is invited to spend some time reviewing public health data and scientific studies and volunteer some time on one of the boards themselves.  I am just glad I do not take these insulting letters personal.

Martin Hahn MD, Manchester