To the Editor,
My name is Alexander Everitt and I am working on my path to Eagle Scout. One of the requirements for the Communication merit badge is to voice my opinion about a topic I feel strongly about. My opinion is on the topic of Covid-19 impacting small businesses.
Covid-19 has pretty much destroyed small businesses around the nation. Covid-19 has given even more power to the large, non-unionized corporations that loom over our essential workers. The largest contributor to this would be that Amazon, with $570 Billion in revenue and a 63.3% stock increased from the beginning of 2020. This is all because Amazon delivers right to your door, people have no need to go out and risk catching Covid-19 by buying from local businesses. Unfortunately, there is no end in sight.
Soon businesses will shut down and employees that have been living off of stimulus checks will come back to find no market to sell in. I’m nervous that when we get a vaccine, it may be too late for some of these businesses. I believe that as one who lives in a small community that it is important to support local businesses. Helping them by eating in town or buying locally is a very important part of my life.
Alexander Everitt, Manchester