Letter To The Editor: Change to LCD Zoning Use Language Means Opportunity for Manchester


To the Editor,

I want to thank my fellow Manchester residents for the overwhelming favorable vote at the Spring Town Meeting supporting the Planning Board’s recommended changes to allow for Research and Development facilities in a portion of the Limited Commercial District (LCD).   And thank you to the Planning Board for their leadership on this matter.

This change will encourage the sort of high value, low-impact commercial growth called for in the Town’s Master Plan.  My firm, Cell Signaling Technologies (CST) continues to evaluate the feasibility of development of a sustainably designed research facility on the former gravel quarry at the end of Atwater Avenue.  The site presents a number of challenges, but we are optimistic they can be overcome.  If successful, we believe there is an opportunity to reclaim a blighted landscape and create an environmentally responsible asset which will bring jobs and tax revenue to the community.   You can find out more about our vision for a new research facility in Manchester at CSTOldQuarry.com and read our recently released Social and Environmental Impact Report.    

CST partners with top researchers across the globe developing the tools they need to enable scientific discoveries that lead to new medicines for diseases such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s and Diabetes.  We maintain the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility and you can learn more about the company at cellsignal.com.   

In Manchester, we see an opportunity to create a shared vision that enables CST to support its future growth within the framework established by the community.  We look forward to working with, and listening to, the community as we continue to further this opportunity.


Michael Comb


urban planning, zoning, limited commercial district, affordable housing, contract zoning, cell signaling technologies