Interested in being a Registrar for the Town of Essex


The Board of Registrars is currently seeking a new board member.  Please see the details below.

Massachusetts General Laws require that in every city and town there exist a Board of Registrars consisting of the town clerk and three other persons who, in a town, are appointed by the Select Board.

Each member of the Board of Registrars is appointed for a three-year term.  The members of the board shall be residents of the Town of Essex and represent the two leading political parties, having been registered in said party for a minimum of two years at the time of their appointment.  M.G.L. Ch. 4, sec. 12 (the Town Clerk may be “Unenrolled”).  In addition, a registrar must hold no other appointed/elected office in the town where he/she is a registrar (M.G.L c. 51, sec. 25).  A registrar’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

promoting voter registration

maintaining voter registration

certifying signatures on nomination papers and petitions,

certifying absentee voter applications,

investigating challenges to signatures,

presiding over recounts

 The Town of Essex pays each Board of Registrar a stipend of $400 a year.

If you are interested in serving as a registrar for the Town of Essex and meet the qualifications listed above, please reach out to the town clerk, Marie Felzani, at 978-768-7111 or  (Monday -Thursday 7:30 a.m -3:30 p.m).

essex, ontario, registrar, town clerk, select board, domain name registrar, francis cleary, board of registrars, marie felzani, essex,, board member